Thursday, September 9, 2010

...if an apple a day keeps the doctor away...

.....what does a a few dozen apples do for ya? lol If you walked into my kitchen yesterday you smelled the aroma of Mcintosh apple w/ cinnomon & cloves simmering in the crockpot - soon to be apple butter! YUM! On the stove I had Gala apples simmering in SF apple juice - chuncky apple sauce on the agenda.....and to top it all off Banana Choc chip muffins (whole wheat of course) in the oven.

How can you tell if you have had a busy day in the kitchen??? If your apron (you do wear an apron?!) is a mess - you had a successful day! Thanks to my cuz I have a few funky aprons - yesterday I was sporting my pink flamingo apron - let me tell you it is a hit with the UPS .....espically when I wear my bright yellow w/ red lady bug garden shoes - yes I also wear an apron in the garden - lol What a sight!!!!!

...back to the apples.........I use applesauce whenever I bake. I replace the oil with either applesauce or prunes, somethings both. Works great, less fat, very moist - try it. I buy no sugar added apple sauce. I have tried many bands, but am most happy with the store brand - why pay more $$ for the same thing?! I got this wild urge to try to makemy own apple sauce - who knew it was so easy & we all know I am lazy & like it easy. Try it!

12 apples ( I used Gala - the sign said great for applesauce - lol)
-peel, core, chunck apples
Apple Juice ot Apple Cider ( I used SF apple juice - which worked fine- I used almost a gallon)
Boil till mushy ( like you are making mashed potatoes)
Smoosh with a fork - I used my electric mixer - quicker
At this point you could freeze it, I put mine in a plastic container & stuck it in the frig
YUMMY! Add some cinnomon & serve it!
Homemade Apple Sauce

Gala Apples
Simmering in apple juice

YUM!   Try it!   I will share the Apple Butter recipe in my next post - it is still a work is progress.
Lets talk.......................bananas..................................

....everybody loves bananas!!!   From time to time we all go bananas!  I hadn't planned on making banana muffins, but when I walked into the kitchen I saw 4 brown bananas looking right at me - they were just screaming to be transformed  into something yummy!  Sometimes if I have brown bananas & no time to do anything with them right them - I will peel them and stickem in a ziplock (someday I will share my love affair with Ziplocks - lol)  and freeze them for later use - works!

Banana Muffins
2 c whole wheat flour
2/3 c sugar ( I use raw sugar)
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
4 bananas - mushy
1/2 c milk
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 c dark choch chips or walnuts or both

Mix all the dry ingredients, smoosh the bananas, mix wet ingredients - combine all together
Put in sprayed muffin tins with papers  cups - yeild: 24
Bake at 350 degrees  30-40 minutes
Banana Choc Chip Muffins

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