Monday, August 12, 2013

.....break time

...sometimes a gal just needs to take a break from her life...come on I am a realist & I have vast responsibilities...but I think its break time.....I need to unplug (conceptually)  for awhile...clear out all the junk... NOT my garden junk !  The junk in my head.....the stuff that I stumble over that prevents me from having a more productive & happy life.....
..have you ever felt like you have no time & are getting nothing you make endless lists that you never can many times have you made the same NYE the days pass by in a you ever have the time to do what you want...or give yourself the time you need.....well chick...we might just be in the same longer can I keep going non stop mentally....time to slow down...set my own rules and live my life by my terms.....
...for me to get on track ...I need to take a break...a time out of sorts....step back & let my mind Y body rest..tap into my  inner wants..needs & desires....think about my goals...what & how I want to achieve them....I need to live my life less busy & more productive...I am tired of spinning my wheels  to nowhere...I allow myself to be derailed by any little distraction....being busy with way too many commitments & obligations...I allow myself to get sucked into whatever pops up....
...isn’t this my life...don’t I only have one life to live.....who am I living my life for.....certainly not myself.....its time...way past time for me to take control.....of my self life...time for me to set the direction.....I need to use my time for my journey...not just to stay busy....I need to say no to the things & activities that don’t serve me & yes to the things I believe in & want to do & happen...I am in control...surround myself with only positive people..feelings & thoughts....
...for me its not about ignoring or not helping when’s about finding  what does & doesn’t work in my life...I wanna like a life with this crazy busy world......sometimes less is really more....especially when you make the time to focus on what you want & need .....and have the time...nope – MAKE the choices to make the time to enjoy your daily life. isn’t really that complicated....its really just what you decide to you decide to live it....its all up to you.

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