Wednesday, November 13, 2013

…go ahead & do it

…just say know ya wanna…

…few things in life are fun & free…sex is one of those things…well…sometimes sex does cost $...among other things ….I read some famous fella wrote “sex is one of the nine reasons for reincarnation. the other eight are unimportant”….just as sex begets even less sex….reinstitution of sex begets more sex…sometimes even better sex…kinda like potato chips…..ya can’t just eat one…

…what about sex at midlife…yes I said midlife…as much as it pains me I have reached the mid-point of my life…although I would much rather just say I am …the big FIVE O! ..but yes indeed mid-life has entered my world…it is hard to fight nature…when it comes to of sex & enjoyment of sex…I have to wonder if it is true what they say…if ya don’t use it..ya loose it…..I always heard that if ya don’t have sex in 7 yrs your who who grows shut…lol

…mid-life messes up a gals game….srews with you sevuality…..its hard to feel sexy whey you are flash-flushing all the time…let alone the moodiness…one minute you are primed & ready for some action…..then your hubby..or who you that little look…in a snap you are outta the mood….has nothing to do with them….its this mid-life craziness……if you get past all that…you have to deal with the dryness….of yes the who who dryness….how many times have you heard yourself say…just spit on it & stick it in!.....rember how juicy you once were…that aahhh you used to feel every time you had a sexy naught thought…..these days I need a bit more than one little old sexual thought…..

...remember the days when sex was always on your mind…then poof….the mid-life fairy drops a load on ya & now sex is something you remember liking…once you get started you do get aroused ..orgasms are still the bomb..they just make take a little longer….but somehow sex has somewhat fallen off your priority list…or has it?   I run hot and cold…..when I want it I want it…when I don’t…stay the hell away from me…lol  No one knows that better than my poor hubby….the poor fella never asks anymore…he has been turned dowm so much…I guess he figures I am gonna say what do I do…..good thing his is a handy man….

…at this point…mid-life’s craziness….intimacy leads to sexual arousal….don’t get me wrong…I like a good ol nasty banging every once in awhile…..I think men walk around more or less in a continual state of desire….they become little boys with a new toy….a toy that they assume all woman wanna play with…all a guy needs is an erotic image….see a little boobie cleavage…or a perky nipple  & BAMB….they are ready for action…..

…I am pretty sure it is the opposite for chicks… this point in the game how many women get excited seeing their hubby’s walk around in their undies…..or in their cowboy jammies….lol….most chicks want some sort of intimacy first…don’t get me wrong…a good grab & throw down never hurt anyone….but the closeness ya feel when you & your fella talk, snuggle, blah blah blah creates trust & intimacy…in turn desire…in other words …..horny…

..I guess no matter where you are in your relationship…giving yourself permission to a sexual….powerful….centered..…peaceful …etc..etc..etc…chick in the prime of your life is wildly alluring & oh so fulfilling……but as in everything it is a work in progress…definitely takes daily inner…and sometimes outer work & attention to yourself…..getting your mid-life body & mind back on track and in balance…and re-ignite the fire down below…the hard part is turning on your brain…loving yourself unconditionally….forget about the sand that has shifted in your hourglass shape…embrace your imperfections….. do little things that make you feel sexy….wear sexy panties… erotic books…check out porn on the internet…..lets do a shout out to Al Gore…..if he wouldn’t have invented the internet how would we see porn so freely????!.

…whatever we do….us middle aged chicks need to keep our sexy alive & strong….we may have a low every now & then….but the highs are over the top can’t wait to get it on again AWESOME! So go ahead & do… know ya wanna!

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