Tuesday, November 26, 2013

....middle age crazy...

.....sometime in my late 40’s I had this sudden realization that I was no longer who I had been.....I was a some-what attractive chick who navigated the world partially assisted by the advantage of being cute..funny  and full of personality....in my 40’s Spanx found their way into my lingerie drawer...men who asked me if I “had the time” really just wanted to know the time...imagine that!  At some point I crossed a line into strange new territory.....one in which I no longer felt like the me I thought I was...
me....aka...formerly hot chick....was bitch slapped into a whole new category of myself....of life.....kinda like a “tweens”,,,,,not really old..or middle aged.....but no longer reckless.....foot loose or fancy free....gravity defying chick.....yes...my hubby..bless his heart overly reassures me that I am..in fact ...still hot...but more in a not-so-young kinda way.....lol
...no...I am not looking for or fishing for compliments.......I know at 50 I have my god days & I still look fine...that the problem...at this point in my life fine is not good enough....don’t get me wrong....I am well aware that a chick’s hotness is not necessarily proportional to how many candles she has on her cake.....
...yep...getting older ...even if you are not old..can sometime suck the big one.......I am shocked every time I look in the mirror...who is that person staring back at me...mom is that you......lol.....I am so tired of hearing I need to embrace the changes.....50 is the new 40 is the new 30 is now the new 20......like hell......lol.....

...a positive unexpected side effect of “middle age’ is the mental transformation.....I never really understood why chicks seem to go off the deep end.....at is till now....at 50.....I could deny growing older and pretend my birthdays away......come to think of it...do I really want to.....I like having a hall pass for breaking outta the box...pushing the boundaries......getting a get out of jail card of sorts for things like tattoos.....playing football.....among other crazy what the hell am I thinking kinda stuff...I love it.....I like my kinda middle crazy.  

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