....would you consider yourself an adventurous dresser...do you say F$#& the rules of fashion? Do you wear what you like?..what you love?...what makes you feel good? no matter your age..or what the so called fashion experts say a women of a certain age should or shouldn't wear?????????
...or are you more into baggy tshirt mom jean blend in hope no one notices you kinda style..trying to be invisible???? ..a rule follower.....you live & die by the pages of the fashion magazine...not the trendy ones..more like Fashion for Seniors..or AARP...you own shoes for comfort not style..... if so..thats cool...You do YOU! Thats just NOT me. ...that being said...theres nothing better than a comfy pair of cool shoes...
...what is your fashion voice? ...do you have one? ..what does what you wear say to the outside world......have you ever thought about it....do you even care? I have been drinking the fashion kool-aid for years....I have spend hundreds of dollars on every fashion what to wear what not to wear how to wear where to wear magazines....almost as much as I have spent on diet books...HA!
...at this stage in the game.....yes I am a chick "of a certain age" or so they say....but around the same time i subscribes to the AARP magazine I stopped buying all those fashion rags....magaines....not following the so called fashion rules has given me a bigger ..full...more honest voice...I no longer have to plat by their rules to appreciate & enjoy fashion. I decide what dressing inappropriate means for ME....an only me.....ok ok..my hubby to....but only hid wants to be seen with me...lol
...at this stage in the game.....yes I am a chick "of a certain age" or so they say....but around the same time i subscribes to the AARP magazine I stopped buying all those fashion rags....magaines....not following the so called fashion rules has given me a bigger ..full...more honest voice...I no longer have to plat by their rules to appreciate & enjoy fashion. I decide what dressing inappropriate means for ME....an only me.....ok ok..my hubby to....but only hid wants to be seen with me...lol
....having a unique personal style is intimately related to my sense of self...in a way...yes this i could be reaching...but what you wear can tell the the world your political..or nor non political view...our fav sport teams...the colleges we like/support....or religion or spiritual beliefs.... where we have traveled.....so when people say they don't pay much attention to fashion/clothes..is that really the truth? Mass production of clothes has allowed us to play w/ our own personal style...we have the ability change our "look" as frequently as we want...what a long ass way we have come from the 1900s when chicks risked being arrested for sporting a pair of pants.....now most gal wear pants/jean everyday...its even acceptable for guys to do the skirt thing........but only if they have nice legs..lol..I call BULLSHIT on anyone who says..."its just clothes"......
...if indeed clothes are what you wear ....then style is how you pull it together.....I for one will not let anyone define MY personal style....beautiful things happen when you take pride in yourself....having control over my own identity is one of my basic rights..as it is yours.....declare to the world your view point...use fashion to tell your story...your unique perspective....be brave....break the rules...be rebellious....own it no matter your age...make your self truer to yourself in all aspects of your life not us in your fashion style....YOU BE YOU!
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