Wednesday, January 19, 2011

.......time to BEAR it all like I had this dream this morning that I just can't forget about.  No ...... to all you dirty minded people out there......this time my dream was not sexual in nature - damnit!  lol (but the naughty dreams are the bestest!!!)  Have ya ever had a dream that you can remember every single thing about it......and you just can't forget it.

 I think our dreams are a message from our subconscious mind, telling us something ..........but .....if this is  true.........what do our sexual dreams tell us?   Is our subconscious mind telling us we need to have kinky sex with with someone other than our spouse? (Oh wait - that's my dream - oops)  Cause honestly how many of us dream about sex with our spouse???? ( ya Mitch) Yea, thats what I  Our dreams are usually about the neighbor, a friends hubby or my personal fav The Rock.....whatever floats your boat as long as you are happy happy happy.  

Where do our dreams comes from?  Why do we dream the dreams we dream?  Why are some so great we try to have them over and over again....and others we just don't want to even think about or even try to remember? Do you know? I don't! 

Better yet....what do our dreams mean?   That's the million dollar question and the reason for this blog!  I had a dream about a Black Bear. Yep a black bear! I grabbed my handy handy dream meaning dictionary (aka the Internet) lol.  This is what I found...

To see a bear in your dream, symbolizes independence, the cycle of life, death and renewal, and resurrection.  You are undergoing a period of introspection and thinking.  The dream may also be a pun on "bare".  Perhaps you need to bare your soul and let everything out into the open.

...hmmmmmmmm   I read the meaning over and over and and over  & I have decided this is some pretty deep  It seems to apply to my life in more ways than I care to admit.  For all your skeptics out there ( you know who you yes I am sure you are saying that you can make any interpretation apply to your life at any given time.....but I am here to say in this case.......this hits home.

 Basically what I am telling you is that over that last few weeks I have been going through some major stuff....deep stuff (lol)....struggling with my own personal independence.......not like I am gonna just skip out on my 17 year marriage or anything (again...sorry Mitch  lol).....more like trying to establish a new version independence within my family. 

I have been undergoing a period of introspection and thinking for a while.....of course my closest pals think it's been going on for too damn long  lol. For me December is a month to think about the past, the present and the future I wanna have.....its a great time to jump inside yourself and do a little house cleaning...that's exactly what I have been doing.  Its just a matter of time before Mr. Clean pops our cause I am already oozing scrubbing bubbles......yes they do smell like potato chips!!!  lol

So in a lot of ways its like the cycle of life (my life - NO BABIES HERE....swallow swallow swallow)  lol.  The death of the old and unwanted crap and the renewal of the new and improved shiny me.....ok so I'm not so  A resurrection of sorts.  So I am thinking that if I continue on this path ...say for 10 -15 more years........I am thinking not only will I shine and sparkle...I will damn near blind you with my

Lastly.....the best part...... "bare". You know I am sooooo dirty  I could hardly wait to address this baby......or should I say..undress...hehehe I crack myself  This could mean I need to bare all......that's one way to earn my Jerry Beads. (Oh Hell Yea!!!)...or it could mean that I need to open up, share my feelings (good, bad or otherwise) with those who care about me no matter how uncomfy it makes me feel.....because I have to say from personal experience over that last few weeks - it sure does feel great to open up & share my feelings with the ones I love.  HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY! 

What animal will I dream of tonight???????

1 comment:

Unknown said...

will it be the tiger in bed or a jaguar in the garage? consider your answer wisely... LOL