Wednesday, January 25, 2012

...down by 7

pounds that is......yep 7# lighter!  But I know I can do so much better.  I still am having commitment issues.....I will not fail this time......fabulous at 50 here I come!!!

I have been writting down everything I eat, trying to stay under 1500 cal - but....I have exceeded my daily 1500 cal on more than one day this week, and did I mention we did fast food a couple of times.....eeeek   I am so sure my 7# loss was all water.

Soooooo......time to get serious.   I am commiting to the following....
1.  1500 cal daily - write everything down that goes in my mouth
2.  No soda
3.  Cut out white stuff - sugar, white flour etc.
4.  No eating after 7pm

My goal today is to do the above things everyday........I WILL DO IT!  I CAN DO IT!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

EVERYTHING you put in your mouth???