Saturday, January 12, 2013


…change is hard….even if the change is for the good, it’s still damn hard.  Sometimes you don’t even know there has been a change till things have changed….every once in awhile you get this overwhelming feeling that something has change or something is about to change.  Sometimes it is very difficult to admit we have changed…….for me any time there is an emotional disconnect – which in turn causes change….it takes me awhile to fully embarrass it.   I am sure there are many others just like me.


…a funny thing is that I have spent so much wasted time wishing things would change or I could change….or …here is a good one…..I could change someone else……lol….we all know that doesn’t work…but yet I am don’t like change…...doesn’t that make me somewhat of a hypocrite?  I want change...but yet I refuse to accept change?!  LOL


Change comes in many forms….jobs end, people come & go in our lives, friendships run their course, we fall out of love..just to name a few.   As I reflect on my life…..change has always slapped me in the face…..some slaps have been good, some have been out of necessity …some frankly saved my life….and of course there were many slaps that seemed bad at first but opened me up to so many opportunities…so I have to admit in many cases change is good.


I have leaned one thing for sure……there are things.. …changes…..out there I have absolutely no control over..i have to let them go…. have to embrace change & make the best of it.  The changes I can control are the within one else….so bring on the changes…..I am ready.   

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