Thursday, February 14, 2013 time for couples.....

…is it true?

…couples that play together stay together???? Fun!  I have blogged about couples who have fun before…but I thought that today of all days – Vday I would rethink & revisit….. there are way too many couples who after being married for a while – almost 19yrs in our case…..stop dating each other..forget to enjoy each other & forget to have fun….I have to admit after I had my daughter my life was my daughter….what husband???...I am sorry to say that’s how I felt….in actuality….my hubby & I never dated….we met – shared a few laughs…had a great sex….go married & moved to Hawaii…..a few months later I was prego….we married each other without really knowing each other….let me tell you it has been a rocky bumpy road…but  19yrs in March.

..I have read that when couples have fun dating activities…together….it’s great for their head..heart & spirit…its does wonders for their blood pressure and of course their sex life…wooo hooo.  Enjoy a good laugh together..after all laughter is the nectar of the gods….tap into that playful child within & enjoy your time together…you don’t have to take yourself or life quite so seriously. Even though we are older in doesn’t mean we have to grow older in our hearts….I want to keep that childlike play inside me forever….so give yourself a break…take time for what every day brings…live a life free of regret & with as much joy…fun…and laughter you & your partner can stand……


Life is to be enjoyed, not simply endured. Pleasure and goodness and joy support the pursuit of survival.

-Williard Gaylin

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