Thursday, January 23, 2014


.....can you forgive? 

...forgiveness is such a powerful affirmative part of humanity.......the healing power of forgiveness allows us to truly move on.....seems like there is so much pain in this world..... struggles of people on a daily basis....seems like everyone out there had some one to forgive..or needs to be forgiven....truth is past wounds can infect the present

.....seems like when you are hurt by someone the easiest & safest thing to do is carry a spend your life as the walking wounded & your past becomes your present......we are all wounded....inn one way or another....these wounds can determine the way we feel about ourselves for our entire lifetime....

.......I must forgive.....the only way to break free is to forgive......holding on serves no good purpose...going into this I know forgiveness is not an easy process..but it is one that will change my life..for the better...its long past time that I free myself from all the negativity of the past 

.....forgiveness is very much like grieving... several
stages...denial....anger..depression...finally acceptance......I don't think the stages are in any particular stage may take longer than the others.....its has taken me year to get to the acceptance stage......
I was so caught of in the anger & depression that I could not find my way to accept what it was & accept that fact that my only real choice ..for me ...forgiveness...the only way to move on..reclaim my self.

.....forgiveness is ultimately a gift to allows my wounds to heal...for me forgiveness is a process rather than a destination....its a way of distancing myself from victim-hood & embrace the happiness I deserve

.....I know more than anything my hubby wants my forgiveness....but really forgiving is more for my benefit than is a course in life...sounds funny...but  its so damn true.....we are taught by our textbook can teach us how to live.......dealing with the fact that life is unfair......embracing the life I have now is the only healthy was to move order to move forward....FORGIVENESS.

...forgiveness.....does not come the end our lives are about the stories we live & tell ourselves.....forgiveness is story about putting the past in the past & letting go with an affirmative change in our our present & our future.

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