Sunday, January 19, 2014

....own my life

.....I have spent most of my life with the desire to own things as do most people I assume....the one...most important thing we own...I for one never even give it a thought...until life! much wasted time thinking about that new pair of new boots...etc that I have never really seriously understood or accepted that fact that I own my life....over the years .....all the ups & downs....taking responsibility was more like placing the blame somewhere or on someone else.....rather than realizing .....I AM THE OWNER & I AM RESPONSIBLE.  

...I owe one person – ME.  I own my sadness & sorrow......its all mine......things happen.....people do or don’t do things....but my reaction is all longer will I or can I use the mindset that “they made my feel” or “it was because of this or that or them”......I control ME...MYSELF...and I.  I have had glimpse of control over the years...but for the most part I gave up my control.....sometimes because I truly thought it was out of my control & others because the pain was not worth it....I had no fight in that time it seems like a small price to pay...but now looking back it was a huge blow to my self.

......ownership of my life means I can do what I want...with fear....its all up to me....I can choose whatever it is I think ...I know I need to do to rectify any ultimate destination in life is set by me....not someone else..the responsibility for my life....what I accomplish within in found in one person..ME...its time for me to focus on my personal values and desires & live them out regardless of what others do.....not live my life in a vacuum.....time to step up & do the internal very thoughtful about what I believe...about my values.....morality........they will shape how I will exert ownership over my own life – my own self......identifying...understanding..accepting....allowing these for myself will matter what the circumstances...these ideas/principles will transcend everything else and enable me to set myself on course.
...seems like an overwhelming amount of responsibility......but also an opportunity to tap into a sense of freedom within..I have one life to live.....this is a job I NEED to take seriously...with diligence..hard internal work...and a lot ton of right forgiveness.....of others & myself...I am sure a deeply fulfilled life is waiting for me.

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