Thursday, February 13, 2014

…danger danger……she’s 50!


….after years of playing second fiddle…prioritizing hubby…kids…..etc….I for one want more out of life in my 50’s……the urge to find personal fulfilment is overwhelming…..I had heard about the hot flashes & depression…. I wasn’t expected the new found appetite for life I am experiencing…


…your 50’s are supposed to be a time of calm & domesticity….right?  Time to take a huge sigh of relief. The hard work of raising a family  is somewhat behind ya…..the challenging years of teething & temper tantrums are a memory….it’s time to enjoy some quality me time….and hubby last…….the old cliché about settling down may be off the mark….far from settling down….50 represents danger…danger Will Rogers…lol….kids…..marriage…life as it is……may n longer seems to hold the appeal they once did…..throw in a hardy cocktail of hormones…once all that kicks in a gal gets to feeling a bit restless….


….it’s funny how us gals change when we turn the big 5 0……for me it was/is a time to tape in to all that I am and or all that I want to be….I am not around to please anyone ….what a relief…no more people pleaser here folks! I can be the wife…the mother…the friend…the ME I wanna be.  I think 50 is such a critical age for gals…..full of conflicting feelings & emotions….many of us have spent our lives raising kids ....being a good wife….as well as working…now ya feel the urge to rediscover your youthful passions… include sexuality…just sayin

…I read that chicks undergo a seismic hormonal change between 45 & 55…lower levels of estrogen & increased testosterone…which means less nurturing & more bitching…….amazingly liberating…..the dilemma ……knowing how to respond to this new cluster-fuck of feelings/emotions……is it better to make radical changes or look for less disruptive solutions…..I guess that’s for each of us to decide…

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