Thursday, February 13, 2014


…seduction is defined as an act of temptation & enticement…mostly sexual in nature…everyone loves to be seduced…seems like women & men have utilized seductive clothing to enhance physical attractiveness…I for one am not above putting my big old boobies on display for the attention of the opposite sex..or even the same sex…what the hell….attention is attention…right?!


…tomorrow is Valentine’s Day……romance at its best…do ya  think more people are gonna get laid tomorrow night and any regular Friday night?  How many people will come home tomorrow night to a seductive evening of fresh flowers….delicious foods…soft music…and of course the most essential item in their seduction repertoire…a sexy little outfit….something that begs to be taken off..  or ripped off if you are into the rough stuff…lol….


…..seductive dressing doesn’t have to be a skimpy lingerie with your boobies spilling out or a zipper that is ready to burst…although I kinda like the having the girls out for all to    I personally think there is nothing sexier on a chick that a cute pair of panties & a man’s white button down shirt…..just sayin

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