Friday, August 15, 2014


…why is it that our expectations can bring us great joy & happiness and also create such heartache?  Expectations are NOT created equally that’s for damn sure…its funny how they take on a life all their own…good ..bad ..or otherwise….yes there are expectations that are realistic & normal…everyone has them…you know things like you expect your car to start in the morning…..or you expect your expect  your jeans are going to be un-comfy after eating a bunch of junk the night before……


……but when something or someone doesn’t do what we expected….its shocks the shit out of us….we come to think of our expectations as the futures reality…..I guess the universe has other ideas….lol….we base our expectations on hopes…probable outcomes according to us….the way we each see it…for me I seem to base my expectations on the world I have created …I guess in my idea of right & wrong…or how things should be…..all according to me….


…life is unpredictable….making expectations simply based on what I think is pretty dangerous…setting myself up hurt…frustration & disappointment…….is that really fair? …What makes me think I was the one who could decide how things… people should feel…thing and behave…….hmmmmmm……is that the key……did I just have an epiphany???

…in actuality….I am ONLY responsible for MY expectations…they are ONLY my beliefs…not reality……so really expectations could be a form of control over others…’s like a form of manipulations… one really wants to let a friend down by falling short of their expectations…..

…time to look after my own well-being….take responsibility for my own expectations……and let others take responsibility of their own expectations….in essence……by doing so I am disempowering my expectations by taking responsibility  is really truly a form of self-empowerment.

I do my thing and you do yours. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, then it is beautiful. If not, it can't be helped.

- The Gestalt Prayer - Fritz Perls

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