Saturday, January 26, 2013

…don’t .compromise yourself

 .if you look up the compromise in the thesaurus some of the words they list are accommodation, adjustment, concession….if you substitute any of these words…or better ..Substitute the sentiment behind these words for the word compromise…….its gives you a much clearer image of …”don’t compromise yourself”…………….here is a question…..what shouldn’t we compromise ourselves for???  

 …compromise….it’s  a fine line…sometimes compromising can actually result in an amazing personal growth….we are all fallible human beings with so much baggage  & our ideas & what we think important ….actually…even who we are is shaped by our families & our life experiences…….not all are for the best. is humbling & freeing to realize that there are parts of yourself that you never realized existed because you  are willing to try something ..or look at something using a different idea or perspective.

…so here’s the thing…I fully understand the concept of compromising oneself….I lost myself….or better put….I allowed myself to become lost ..for years….I have seen glimmers of me & know..yep, that’s who I am!...but they didn’t last long & by the time I actually recognized me….it fades & becomes  an illusion.  What I am trying to say is that yes..I know the feeling of NOT relying on myself to be ME.

 …for some reason along the way I allowed myself to compromise who I am & lost my sense of self…I lost the things that make me me….I have no one else to blame but myself…I knew…I felt myself worth, my personal power diminish…..again I allowed myself to become enmeshed in what someone else told, demanded, expected me to be….while grieving the loss of the ME is was.

…to lose yourself & who you are…there is a sadness & a longing to return to or reconnect with your former self….is it possible to return to ME…as I was…….I don’t think so…how could it be… experiences mold & change us…….change who we were & who we are… to return to my former self is impossible……to rediscover who I am now…without compromising myself……..that’s a definite possibility…my  goal……… plan.


 “When you know better, you do better”

~Maya Angelou

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