Thursday, November 5, 2015

“They taught me that maturity was the ability to live with unresolved problems.”—Anne Lammott

…’s little cruelties get thrown at us all the time….its funny how quickly  something that seems intolerable at first becomes just a thing….we learn to live with it & move on….I like to think of myself as a cup half full kinda gal…always looking for the silver lining…the good in every situation & every person I come across…. Even in the dark moments I try to find the light…eventually...

….I have to say as resilient as I am…or I think I am…one particular version of life’s many pains that I seem to struggle with while processing  is severed friendships……throughout my life I have friends who have drifted away due to life moving in different directions…locations…etc….I have had a few that ended so quickly that they gave me whiplash….vanished in one fell swoop…..coming from someone who craves resolution…..I seek clarity & closure when there is an ending…..I don’t always get that luxury…

…so many times when friendship end there is always this frustration due to words left unspoken….in this day of the “text” conversation…the in between the lines crap speaks volumes…..the finality of it doesn’t actually make ya  feel just seems different….just maybe a more confy state of confusion…and sadness

…what about those friendships that drift  away in the frog only to reappear years later…..with all their familiar quirks & it seems like ya haven’t  spent any time apart….I have been blessed with a few friendships….they pick up right where they left off….those kinds of relationships bond people together forever…..

…letting go of friendships …either suddenly or gradually…it’s just a bad feeling…it feel so injurious to me to stop caring for a friend… we really stop caring for the friends we have lost……we have all felt the frustration & anger…..but can’t anger co-exist next to love? 

…bottom line is if I am gonna lose friends at least I wanna gain some sort of insight as to how I can move on w/ grace…I read that we as humans replace our friends every seven years…..what a crap idea….I know that it is sometimes hard to hold on during life’s big transitions…sometimes we just grown apart…overtime relationships change…I guess it’s the circle of life…social life that….

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